
Bandwidth, Flash and the learning curve.

Unbenkownst to me, this little blog was featured on the home page earlier today.  Needless to say, the traffic that little link generated maxed out my bandwidth for the month in under 2 hours.

When I opened my mailbox and saw around 20 messages stating my bandwidth was exceeded, I quickly moved to upgrade my video hosting account so that new visitors can continue to view these screencasts.

So while, the videos were down for a couple of hours this morning, they should be streaming fine again.

As for why I'm using flash to host these tutorials, it's easy.  I occasionally post demos on Beta runtime which is not officially released yet.  So for those who installed the beta runtime, I would need to publish a player of their version, but those with current production runtime, would require a different player.  What's worse, those with cross-runtime compatibility issues may not be able to read the latest encoding streams, and those who cannot even get Silverlight due to domain policy restrictions or firewalls would not be able to see them at all.  So for the sake of the broadest accessibility to the material presented, I chose to go with Flash.  Forgive me my transgressions.

Finally, I just want to say that my screencasts are fly-by-the-seat-of-my-zen-pants.  That means they are neither scripted nor rehearsed and you can easily catch me stumble over my own tongue as I try to keep things moving.  While it's easy to spot the occasional oopsie in what I say, I encourage everyone to focus on the content and the code and try not to let the occasional stutter distract from what's going on in the tutorial.  I'm still learning, and that's the whole point of this project.  To learn by teaching.  I promise I'll get better at this as I move forward.

Thanks for being good sports about it.


Anonymous said...

Informative read describing the proper information about Bandwidth. Thanks a ton for sharing such useful discussion on this topic here.

Thanks & Regards
Power Protection

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