
Computer security systems vulnerable to new attacks

New York: A new category of computer attacks may compromise memory systems touted as foolproof, particularly in laptops, a recent study has found.

The study, by researchers at Princeton, found these attacks overcome "disc encryption," a broad set of security measures meant to protect information stored in a computer's permanent memory.

The researchers cracked widely-used technologies like Microsoft's BitLocker, Apple's FileVault and Linux's dm-crypt.

They described the attacks in a paper and video published on Thursday on the web.

The team said these attacks are likely to break through other disc encryption systems because these technologies have similar structural features.

The attack is particularly effective against computers that are turned on but are locked, such as laptops in "sleep" or hibernation mode.

One effective countermeasure is to turn a computer off entirely, though in some cases even this does not guarantee protection.

"We've broken disc encryption products exactly when they seem to be most important these days: laptops that contain sensitive corporate data or personal information about business customers," said Alex Halderman of Princeton's computer science department.

Halderman's Princeton collaborators included graduate students Nadia Heninger, William Clarkson, Joseph Calandrino, Ariel Feldman and Professor Edward Felten of the Centre for Information Technology Policy.

The findings demonstrate risks associated with recent high-profile thefts, including a Veterans Administration computer containing information on 26 million veterans and a University of California, Berkeley laptop that contained information on more than 98,000 graduate students and others, said Felten.

The team wrote programmes that gained access to essential encryption information automatically after cutting power to machines and rebooting them.

"This method is extremely resistant to countermeasures that defensive programmes on the original computer might try to take," Halderman said.


Find A Tradesman You Can Trust

The most important thing in any relationship is trust. This applies as much to working relationships as it does to your day to day dealings with friends and family members.
When it come to dealing with tradesmen we all know some horror stories about people being conned, ripped off or simply disappointed by unscrupulous or unreliable tradesmen such as plumbers and electricians. The work that is done for you in your home is something which you are going to use, or at least be left looking at, for a long time. For this reason it is extremely important that you hire someone who now only gives you a good feeling of trust, but who can also back this up with solid recommendations and an excellent work history.
Nowadays there is no excuse for simply flicking through a phone book, choosing a tradesman at random, crossing your fingers and touching wood. With the depth of information and choice which the internet has opened up for us we can look for a worker whom we know we can trust from the outset. This may seem a dubious claim, but let's look at the system for hiring a tradesman online and pick out the points which will give you that level of confidence:
1) Only registered, local tradesmen will respond to your announcement. Once you advise of the work needing done local builders, plumbers etc will be notified of the job possibility.
2) Recommended tradesmen stand out. With the responses from interested parties in your email you can check what feedback ratings they have each been given by previous customers.
3) Maintain your privacy. Your details are kept from the site's other users. You should only gives your details out when you choose a tradesman, hire him and give him the full details of the job.
4) You get to voice your opinion. All the workers who use the site know full well that one of the most important features of the internet recruitment system is the feedback aspect. A bad review from you could lead to someone dropping from being the most highly rated builder on the site to being an average looking one. With internet recruitment sites, more than ever, local tradesmen have to take care of their customers and protect their reputation.
Once you a find a tradesman you can trust then you will find the whole building process to be a lot simpler, whether it is a simple painting job or a sizable extension being built to your property.

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How You Can Control Diabetes With Yoga

The pancreas produces two hormones insulin and glucagon, which help the body balance blood sugars levels.
The healthy function of the pancreas is important to a person's ability to process sugars and starches, a poor functioning pancreas can lead to diabetes.
A person with diabetes has an inability to process blood glucose because the pancreas does not produce enough insulin.
Certain Yoga poses have recently been recognized to help the function of the internal organs and specifically the pancreas.
Regular practice of yoga can benefit those who suffer from diabetes. Yoga helps reduce the stress hormones secreted in the blood which can help reduce the body's production of glucogon and therefore improve the bodies insulin production.
2 yoga poses:
The ushtrasana or camel pose, and the dhanurasana or bow pose, have specifically been found to help the function of the pancreas and benefit people with diabetes. However, theses two poses may be challenging at first.
Easier Poses
The following yoga exercise is also beneficial to the function of the pancreas and is better for a beginner than previously mentioned poses.
Lie on your stomach with your arms up over your head, palms facing each other. Your legs should be straight and comfortably apart. Slowly raise your legs and arms so that your weight is shifted to resting only on your abdomen.
Hold this position for as long as you comfortably can. Ideally, you will be able to hold this pose for forty seconds.
After you have held the position bring your arms and legs down to the resting or beginning position. It is beneficial to repeat this exercise five times.
This and other yoga exercises massages the digestive system and help the function of the pancreas and other internal organs.
To conclude
Yoga practiced regularly can reduce stress the side effects of which can be diabetes.

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The Real Benefits Of Using A Silent Inverter Generator

The Benefits You Gain Out Of Your Inverter Generator Includes:

  1. High Quality Power Output: The precision of the Inverter Generator electronic technology ensures its power is closer to normal "line power" in more than any other generator design. Inverter Generators produce power that is as reliable as the power you get from your power outlets at home.
  2. Lighter, smaller size: Advanced engineers use inverter technology to integrate parts from the engine and the generator. The mechanical parts to the alternator are now combined with the engine flywheel. This allows inverter generators to be smaller and lighter in weight than most conventional models.
  3. High Fuel Efficiency: Economy- Throttle allows the generators engine to automatically adjust the engine speed to produce only the power needed for the appliance in use. Traditional generators have to run at 3600 rpm to produce 60 hertz (cycle) electricity. But inverter generators with Economy throttle can run at much slower rpms while maintaining frequency and power for the requested load. Because the engine does not have to run at full speed constantly, Economy throttle reduces fuel consumption by up to 40%. It also helps to reduce exhaust emissions.
  4. Quiet Operation: Silent inverter generators are substantially quieter than traditional generators. The Economy throttle also reduces the noise level, along with the sponge dampening materials that absorb the engine's sound to help make the inverter generators incredibly quiet.
  5. Parallel Capability: Inverter Generators can be paired with another identically sized unit to double your power capacity. Parallel capability allows you to use two smaller, lighter generators to do the work of a much larger generator without effecting portability.

Benefits of Using Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS)

In many organization whether its small or large organization, they use Uninterrupted Power Supply (UPS) to protect their systems. Not only the systems it could be anything like machinery, refrigerators, servers, computers or any other electronic gadgets to protect their work from the loss of the data in the event of a power failure. Because they work continuously and they do not shut any of their machines for a single minute, if they do they have to suffer a huge loss so for this reason they use battery. Battery comes into different sizes and the units and as per the use or the need of the batteries. Batteries work same as generator but they are better than the generators. They continuous supply power to your systems in case of power failure. Generator may cause your systems but there is no chance you lose your data in uninterrupted power supply. There are many companies who manufacturers UPS like HP, Dell, Shenzhen Santakups Electronic, cyber Power systems, APC, etc. And it comes into variety of ranges, previously UPS were very expensive. Each UPS has been developed by the company comes into different units, prices and so on. These companies understand the actual need of the UPS. In today’s globalised world, each and every organization works with computers, uses computers. No organization is maintaining books for any records; it is time consuming as well as expensive and it saves lots of time of the company. So, every company whether it is small or large use software for maintaining records. Whether it’s a business centers, data centers, servers or the manufacturing processes they demand power which can be supplied by installing high units of Uninterrupted Power Supply. Now a day’s the Online Uninterrupted Power Supply is considered to be the most expensive and advanced form. No doubt they are noisy, contain cooling fans and require some planning if you want to establish in small office or at home. The main benefit of the Uninterrupted Power Supply is when there is a power cut; UPS switch to its battery and start loading whereas generator takes some time to load. When there is bad power supply, UPS decides that the power is bad and its load remains on the batteries. UPS either switched to the main input or simply dies depending upon the UPS design, units and upon the company.

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iYogi Announces Launch of Monitoring and Performance Tool For SMBs

iYogi – a leading provider of technical support services with horizons in the US, UK, Canada and Australia – today announced the launch of its exclusive server monitoring tools for small businesses. The new product offers integrated technology solutions to surmount the users’ unique IT support requirements thereby enabling them to derive and share information, data, enable network performance analysis, and security trends critical to plan and mana ge their set of servers – 24x7.

Uday Challu, iYogi’s CEO commented, “Holding a significant niche for itself in the computer support industry, iYogi has always known to be on the forefront of adapting breakthrough technology to exceed customer service expectations. This time we have developed a tool offering value-add functionality which will help small business customers maximize the business outcomes of IT.”

iYogi’s monitoring tool provides real time observation and monitoring solutions to ensure more robust and reliable IT support and infrastructure for small buinesses. Small Business owners also get a comprehensive assesment of their IT environment to meet technology needs with the scalability for future growth and create preventative measures based on quick analysis of network device alerts, pre-failure indicators, performance benchmark and security issues.

The new Monitoring and performance tool will provide small business with the opportunity to test all technical and non-technical aspects of their servers and help them to strengthen overall IT infrastructure. The array of services will include: Patch Management, Security Auditing, Site Inventory, Real Time Alerting Script Based Management, and Rights Management Services for all critical server issues.

“Irrespective of the business being small or large, when the consumer chooses iYogi, he leverages the potential of an elite taskforce of Microsoft Certified System Engineers and Cisco Certified Network Associates, ready to service their critical assets, using the most advanced network asset tracking and Performance monitoring”, adds Challu.

Another factor where the Company aims to distinguish itself from its competitors is product pricing. Embracing the concept of service quality, iYogi offers competitively priced technical support services at no-haggle, low prices.

As for its small business support, the Company has integrated its exclusive Monitoring and Alerting Services under one price umbrella of just $480 annually. per server i.e. $49.99 per month. The price is certainly hard to find anywhere else.

For more information on iYogi Small Business Support, visit


Event Management Company Promotes Your Events in a Unique Way

From planning to execution, you will need the right event staff that has the skill and the experience to offer you the results you need. You may not have readily assembled staff and it will definitely take you a lot of time trying to figure out how you can get the right event staffing.

Event management companies come handy to ensure that your event is successful. They are specialists in the fields and understand whatever is needed to register high levels of success. There are instances where high level of skill and planning is needed which many companies and individuals don't have. This necessitates that a professional event management company comes in to offer the service.

There are so many things that event management companies do. They can handle the planning from scratch and carry on until they execute the task. The companies handle media attention and also help in making sure that the tickets to the event, if any are sold to as many people as possible. It's a great experience working with professional event staffing company since it offers you readily assembled team of people to work on your projects at reasonable charges.

There are some more roles that event management companies do. They ensure that they send out the invitations to all the people concerned and handle all the communication regarding the function. They ensure that they pass the information to the required number as conveniently as possible hence helping you save cost and time. They help guarantee that your event will be successful.

After hiring an event management company, they will provide you with timely updates on the progress they have made. They keep you updated of all the developments concerning the work done and what's expected to be done.

If the event you are preparing for involves cash collection, the event management company will ensure that every thing is done. All the stationary used will be met by the company. You will pay a fixed cost to the event management company as their professional fees. They help deliver successful results always.

To ensure that your event is organized successfully, event management companies carry out their research and identify how the task can be done in a more practical approach. They help identify what exactly can be done to enable you achieve success.They use their expertise to provide you with what you could not otherwise be able to achieve. You can review the success achieved and help offer the necessary suggestions that will help achieve the goals of your event.

Event management companies use custom named emails to communicate with the target audience. They make it possible to achieve the highest level of participation possible from the target audience.

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